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ReNEW YOU Emotional Vitality Tip:  Every Small Step Matters!

In 2014 on my blog, I noted: “Today I learned through my experience that sometimes when we feel stuck we just haven’t created neural pathways for what we are doing yet. Just forge ahead, the pathways will be created and things will become easier.” – Carolyn Calton

This really is true. I’m so glad to be further and further away from the trauma toxic relationships can create. The power of free choice combined with the power of God and the powers within our bodies to rewire and heal are absolutely amazing.  I’m experiencing it, and I can tell the difference.

To any of my friends who suffer from Post Traumatic Stresss or who have loved ones that suffer, please know that there is so much hope. Just take one step at a time. We may want to rush progress, but just taking one small step in the right direction makes ALL the difference!

Your influence, even through hardship, will ignite the power of generations!  Don’t give up!  There are others who need the example of your courage.  You may never really know the positive ripple effect of each small step you take.  I INcourage you to take one small step in the direction of your dreams today.  May God bless and sustain you as you do.

To your happiness, Carolyn

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#PTSD #toxicrelationships #healingfamilyhistory #traumaemotionalhealing #narcissism