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What’s Your Story?- Life’s Journey Prompt #3

Mar 11, 2016

3 min read




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This year on Family Tree Friday, I INcourage you to use one prompt a week to write or type your Life’s Journey as TODAY’s ChangeMaker.

Here’s this week’s What’s Your Story- Life’s journey prompt:

What memories do you have of your father (his name, birth date, birthplace, parents, and so on)?

Why write down your experiences?

Your experiences as as TODAY’s ChangeMaker™ are of great worth. Be sure to write them down.

Many of us have come through or are coming through some real rough patches along the way. The steps you take and courage you muster to do the almost-impossible has value for those who may follow in your footsteps as they traverse their own path in life. Never underestimate the value of difficulty, adversity and personal trials.

Through writing down your life experiences and observations, it may become crystal clear to you and how an individual can become their best, most happy and capable selves. You may learn what personal character traits contribute to strong, safe, secure family relationships, and in contract, you can see what detracts from and destroys them. This knowledge can help you develop a healthy concern about contributing positively to the future of your family line. It can become a major driver for living a purpose-filled life. It can help bring direction to the course of life. You may be able to see thought patterns, habit patterns and family patterns through writing things down that help you see what helps you stay strong and, on the other hand, you will be better positioned to identify what is destructive so you can take steps to help change it. As you write your Life’s Journey experiences,

  1. it will help you see and evaluate your own life more clearly.

  2. It will provide INcouragement and awareness for your loved ones who come after you.

  3. Family members, including your posterity, will be able to become acquainted with who you really are, not just with who you seem to be, because your thoughts and feelings will be accurate since they come straight from you

  4. Some of your loved ones may be able to avoid some pitfalls because of the lessons you’ve learned and passed to them through your written words and through your experiences.

  5. You are helping to light the path and lead the way for them to follow, as you gain and maintain physical, emotional and spiritual security for yourself in this topsy-turvy world.

Do not be afraid of your imperfections. You are not your history. You may be the catalyst for positive change your family line is waiting for.

The guiding purposes of Family Tree Quest lead us as we press forward into the unknown with courage and confidence as TODAY’s ChangeMakers..

The Three Guiding Purposes of Family Tree Quest are:

1) Be happy and live a purpose-filled life as TODAY’s ChangeMaker.

2) Prepare Courageously and Confidently for the Future- come what may.

3) Glean wisdom from the past rather than staying stuck in it.

We have things to do and stable, secure, happy relationships to create.

Ready. Set. Grow!

If you haven’t already done so, I invite you to officially JOIN THE QUEST at Family Tree You will receive a link to print your own 2-generation Family Tree Chart, designed especially for TODAY’s ChangeMakers.

Resources for you: Purchase JOURNALriffic. Additional Family History resources, including Personal Historian Software. Unique Gift Ideas and Products

1- 1- 1- FTG Quote, contribute positively


Prompt Source: Steve Anderson

****** Disclosure of Material Connection : I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”I am Carolyn Calton, the founder of Family Tree Quest and the CEO of the Liahona Light Institute, of which the Liahona Light Academy is its online arm. I am the author of JOURNALriffic. Lori Wiser is an affiliate of Amazon, and if you click Additional Family History Resources or Unique Gift Ideas and Products, you will access some of my affiliates. If you make a purchase, I will receive a small commission. You will not be charged any extra for your purchase through these links. I thank you for using these links

#personalhistory #genealogy #Family #familyhistory #Journal

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